Sunday, July 17, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

If you thought that I am going to write the review of Harry Potter then you have come to the right place ...... ha ha ha .... ok read but this isn't a review.

The book got released on the 16th of July and I was in Bangalore. My friends had this crazy idea that there would be long queues like in the US and UK where kids stand overnight to get the book.

The bookstore ( also thought likewise. They actually opened the store at 6 AM. Now, my friends and I thought that it was best to go early in the morning and so we arrived at 6.45 AM. There was a TV crew waiting for the enthusiasts, some kids all excited and their sleepy parents and us ( a bunch of 20 somethings). There wasn't a mad rush but there was excitement in the air. We went to the counter (which was empty !!! ) and finally ... we got our hands on the BOOK.

Now the trouble starts .... we have only one book ... but who gets to read it first ?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Review of Canon A95 Digi Cam

Ok this is my personal review of A95. Ok one more point, I am no expert photographer ... just a happy go lucky one.

1. Real value for money
2. Good basic camera for the happy go lucky photographer who isn't too much interested in all the various settings...most stuff is automatic. The different shooting modes are great. Manual configuration is possible, I didn't try it though.
3. Has a 3x optical zoom, good for casual photography.
4. The 5 megapixel is more than enough for high resolution 4x6 photos, for larger prints also its pretty good.
5. The red eye reduction is bad ...horrible ... seems like a generic problem with A75, 85, 95 ... some pics look real ghostly.
6. Night shots are bad... the pics are hazy. You have to take the pic in night mode else there is almost 95% chance that u will screw up the image ...assumption is u r a casual photographer
7. The camera is quite small, can be easily carried around.
8. The LCD screen is rotatble and this is great feature. It allows you to take pictures at very awkward angles easily.
9. The camera runs on four A2 batteries. This is another plus point as A2 batteries are easily available in India. So if you run out of charge, you can just buy the batteries.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The First Post

I just made my blog account, posting for the first time about all insane garbage that I am going to post in future here, hopefully my interest will last.

Ok here is a picture of me .... now u know that I am INSANE